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i3 Broadband Website
& Identity Rebrand

Website redesign and rebrand for
i3 Broadband, a provider of high speed Internet, HD TV, and voice services to many small cities and the surrounding communities. They needed to differentiate themselves from larger providers and redesign the buyer’s journey into a simple, quick and complete experience for the customer.

The rebrand defined and highlighted their key difference: they were the only local provider with employees who lived and worked in the same communities as the customers. The “We’re neighbors” strategy, or as the tagline states “Welcome home to i3 Broadband” was in line with who the targets were and where they lived, it matched their personal values, and gave them peace-of-mind to switch providers. Plus, the “buy local” message was made even stronger by emphasizing the high technology side with all the latest services along with the reliability, responsiveness and value.